Thursday, August 6, 2009


Sadira Williams is a graduate of South Philadelphia High School who is currently working as an intern for the Philadelphia Youth Network. Through this experience at Temple, Ms. Williams has worked on increasing the awareness of environmental issues in Philadelphia. She has learned so much such as; blogging, researching, using html code, surfing other websites on the Internet, and gaining communication skills. Sadira will further her education at an University in which she will major in radiology.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What A Busy Tuesday

Today was a busy day.University Green interviewed 3 groups.The first group was called The Blockson group.

This group mission is to organize Ebony magazines in the Charles Blockson Collection Library and make maps.
Barack Obama Pictures, Images and Photos Philadelphia Map Pictures, Images and Photos
Each map consist of different things such as; fashion, civil rights, beauty products, & who did it first in Philadelphia. I thought that this group helped me realize the importance of history. I learned that back then only fair skinned people were put on the front covers of Ebony's magazine. Dark skinned people were considered unattractive.
For more information on Blockson try visiting their website at bits
The second group was The Emergency Preparedness group. It wasn't an interview. They practiced presenting their powerpoint to us. I think they did well, but they should have gave a little more eye contact.

The last group that University Green interviewed was The Environmental Engineering group.
Due to the oil spill in Alaska, this group goal is to measure the layers of the soil. alaska oil spill Pictures, Images and Photos
Environmental Engineer puts the soil in a machine that shakes & seperates the coarse soil from the fine soil. Through the ITSRG program, this group learned how to read graphs. The graphs show how much soil gets stuck on each layer. I thought that their topic was kind of important because the oil spill is messing up the environment. For more info on Environmental Engineer visit their blog at

Friday, July 31, 2009


On July 28, 2009 University Green interviewed a group known as the Emergency Preparedness group. Their goal was to create a plan for senior citizens to evacuate in case there is a disaster. At the time they were composing slide shows to demonstrate emergency steps. This group has learned how important it was for citizens to be prepared for any kind of emergency.
I enjoyed interviewing this group. Their topic was very interesting.

Jerome FD Rescue 111 OLD Pictures, Images and Photos

The Wagner Museum

Today I went to the Wagner Museum with my mentor and co-workers. It was a little weird because I don't really like animals, but after a while I got used to it. None of the displays looked real, but they were. The best part was when we did the scavenger hunt. We had to explore the room and look for the answers.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Portfolio Training

On July 27, 2009 University Green had portfolio training with another group within the BITS program. Because our mentor wasn't here, we had to spend the day with another mentor name Tommy. It was fun. We practiced writing cover letters. It was beneficial to me because I had never written a cover letter before & now I know the importance of having a cover letter.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Work Ready?

Today University Green had portfolio training. It was OK. We were mainly answering questions in a Work Ready packet.We had to work in groups and come up with answers. The best part was when we had to interview the mentors and come up with questions of our own to ask them.

Help Save Energy!

surge protector bar Pictures, Images and Photos

On July 23, 2009 University Green interviewed Energy Audit, another group within the philadelphia youth network. This group mission is to help save energy & do energy audits. An energy audit is an inspection used to see how much energy a building consumes. Interviewing this group helped me learn ways to save energy. For instance, using a surge protector will protect your electronics from voltage spikes, and using a fluorescent bulb will help save money and energy. It was a very interesting topic. I enjoyed it a lot.

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb Pictures, Images and Photos